Footage courtesy of Development Trusts Association Wales
The Project
The Llanrumney Hall Community Trust is a community led trust set up to steer the regeneration of Llanrumney Hall into a vital thriving community hub to mitigate and prevent poverty in East Cardiff.
We are making a bold proposition to the local community to provide a life changing hub needed by the community and offering services that are not duplicated in the surrounding area.
Over the last few years, the aim of the Trust has been to sympathetically restore and redevelop Llanrumney Hall. After a lot of hard and passionate work, we finally achieved just that. As of Spring 2019, we have been open for business as a multi purpose community hub.
Llanrumney Hall was originally built in 1450 and has seen many forms of transformation over the years. It has been a home to important Welsh families, the birth place of the famous Captain Henry Morgan, it has also been a hotel, a remand home for children, and most recently a public house. Due to the age and construction of the building, a lot of sympathetic and efficient restoration was required to bring the Hall into a usable state that the community will be able to derive real benefit from.
The Hall, for some time, will offer the community the space and the facilities that have been lacking in the immediate area of Llanrumney for some time. The Hall has a range of facilities and rooms to hire including a large community hall, community rooms, a music recording studio, a pottery facility, an arts and crafts facility, a communtiy food hub (The Pantry), a gardening polytunnel, an outdoor polytunnel, hot desk facilities, classrooms, a childcare creche, a community café, and a multi-use facility for holistic therapies.
The charity is managed by a Board of Trustee's and our aim going forward is to hire more staff and volunteers to aid us in delivering a diverse service.
The project has focused on providing tangible supportive structures to underpin and contribute to the Welsh Assembly Government's Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 – contributing in particular towards the development and sustainability of “a prosperous Wales”, “a healthier Wales”, “a more equal Wales”, “a Wales of cohesive communities”, “a Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language” and “a globally responsible Wales”