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Food Networking @ Llanrumney Hall

Llanrumney Hall Community Trust

On Friday the 20th of January multiple Pantry’s and organisations gathered at Llanrumney Hall for the Good Food Cardiff Community Food Retail Meeting. The main purposes of the meeting were to discuss top tips for social media, collective purchasing & logistics across projects, and working together to understand & improve the food system.

Food Cardiff is a city-wide partnership of individuals and organisations that promote healthy, sustainable, and ethical food across Cardiff by acting as a hub for connecting people.

We had multiple Pantry franchises and organisations attend including Dusty Forge ACE Pantry, Splo-Down, Tremorfa Pantry, Wyndham Street Pantry, CAV Dietetics, Cardiff and Vale Health Board, Fareshare Cymru, Cardiff and Vale College and C3SC.

The event began with refreshments and a ‘mingle bingo’ which allowed all attendees to socialise with one another and put names to faces. We then followed with a presentation on our social media to show the importance of having an online presence when growing your Pantry. This included ideas of what to post, our social media engagement and examples from our Facebook page to spark inspiration. The attendees were well engaged, and we received lots of questions and were asked for advice from other Pantry’s!

We pride in the growth of our Pantry and believe our online presence has had a large input on this. We wanted to share this to help others engage with more of their community online because the more people you engage with online, the more people you can help in person.

This event was hosted to help others meet with likeminded individuals and to be able to understand food systems in other areas. It allows different Pantry franchises and organisations share ideas and local knowledge while understand the needs of the community.

Thank you to Cat Pargeter and Pearl Costello for organising a great day! A big thank you to everyone who attended, we loved having you. We also wanted to give our thanks to The Thackery At The Hall for making a delicious soup for all our guests with the left over veg from our Pantry that week!

Scroll below to see our photo gallery from the day.

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