“We certainly don’t have anything like Llanrumney Hall in our local regions… a community facility that has had its rich history preserved for future generations whilst blended with social enterprise development. Llanrumney Hall Community Trust is an excellent proposal for future viability and sustainability and it both strives and succeeds in meeting the many and varied needs of its community."
– Welsh Government Delegates
"Llanrumney Hall is an integral part of our local area's history and future - and I am fully supportive of attempts to develop it for the benefit of the local community and Cardiff as a whole."
- Stephen Doughty MP
"Llanrumney Hall is located in an area of high deprivation and inequality. 29.4% of households being classed as living in poverty. Huge disparities exist between this part of Cardiff and the rest if the city. Traditionally, sport and education has played an important part in community life but access to high quality facilities and opportunities is limited and not in keeping with other, more affluent parts of the city. The Foundation are committed to playing an active part in this exciting regeneration project."
- Head of Business Development, Cardiff City FC Foundation
"The worth of this project has been recognized by different public and private sector organisations that are all aiming for a seamless service provision that will help local people, joining up resources and bringing more facilities that are much needed in this local community. C3SC would like to give support to their Community Facilities Programme funding application and praise their aims and ethos for their beneficial consideration to their community."
- Thoria Mohamed, Cardiff Third Sector Development Officer
"I fully support the redevelopment of the Grade II listed Llanrumney Hall in my ward of Llanrumney. It is vital that this wonderful building can once again be resorted to its former glory and afford wider community benefit across the generations."
- Councillor Keith Jones